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Course Outline
The course is hosted on Canvas, an online course management platform. You will receive an invitation to create a free, password-protected Canvas account to access the course. Your $69.00 payment provides access to the course and all updates for 2 years.
Module 1
Introduction of the Instructor and course overview (10 min)

Details how this course can help students in applied ministry.
Provides the “big picture” by briefly covering all the topics in the course.
Module 2
Why study research methodology in a Doctor of Ministry Program? (8 min)

Explains how research skills can be critical for not only degree completion, but to increase ministry effectiveness.
Delineates the differences between a DMin and PhD program. Emphasis is placed on real-world applications and applied research.
Module 3
What is empirical research and how do you frame a research question? (10 min)

Describes how empirical research looks in a postmodern context.
Distinguishes between directional and non-directional research hypotheses.
Differentiates four central goals of research.
Emphasizing research should find answers to important and relevant questions.
Module 4
Commonly used empirical research strategies (45 min)

Provides an overview of research strategies students could choose from.
Describes experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs.
Describes the most common strategies used in applied ministry programs, including questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, and case studies.
Module 5
How to design a professional questionnaire (1 hr. 8 min)

Explains why questionnaires are more challenging to design than people think.
Discusses advantages and disadvantages of using questionnaires.
Explores the objectives of a survey.
Considers the convenience of using internet-based surveys (SurveyMonkey).
Explores the nuts-and-bolts of how to design good questions.
Discusses the importance of formatting, grouping and ordering of questions.
Module 6
How to conduct interviews and focus groups (52 min)

Explores the purpose of collecting qualitative data.
Delineates the advantages/disadvantages of using interviews or focus groups.
Discusses the importance of sequencing questions.
Explores the purpose of using focus groups.
Discusses types of interviews: structured, semi-structured, and unstructured.
Discusses how interviews or focus groups can complement a questionnaire study.
Module 7
Research that uses mixed methods procedures (18 min)

Elucidates types of mixed methods procedures.
Investigates the advantages to collecting both quantitative and qualitative data.
Evaluates different approaches to mixed methods procedures.
Look at the challenges and rewards of using mixed methods designs.
Module 8
The case study research strategy (18 min)

Identifies skills the investigator needs in order to conduct a quality case study.
Explores how one should choose to use a case study.
Discusses the importance of flexibility while gathering data.
Discusses how to choose among different types of case studies.
Module 9
How to conduct a program evaluation (13 min)

Addresses why a program evaluation is important.
Discusses how a program evaluation can improve church ministries.
Discusses four different types of program evaluation strategies: (1) Needs analysis; (2) Formative evaluation; (3) Summative evaluation; (4) Cost-effective analysis.
Module 10
How to recruit participants (43 min)

Investigates how many participants should be recruited.
Covers different probability sampling techniques (simple random sampling, stratified, and cluster).
Covers non-probability sampling.
Explores statistical power and design sensitivity and how these relate to recruitment.
Discusses ethical issues regarding recruitment.
Module 11
Working with numbers: Introduction to statistics (1 hr 7 min)
Investigates how numbers can help us find answers to meaningful questions.
Discusses “scales of measurement” and why they are important.
Introduces students to descriptive statistics.
Discusses measures of central tendency and variability.
Discusses statistical tools that can help summarize and analyze data.
Describes how data can be visually displayed using graphs and tables.
Module 12
How to analyze data from a questionnaire (47 min)

Describes how to translate responses into numbers.
Evaluates different statistical tools for analyzing numerical data.
Exploring a step-wise methods for mining data within a questionnaire.
Demonstrates how group means can be statistically compared using Excel.
Discusses different types of T-tests.
Discusses Pearson r correlation coefficients.
Module 13
How to collect and analyze qualitative (narrative) data (49 min)

Defines qualitative data and how it can be used to answer important questions.
Explores three different approaches to analyzing qualitative data: Quasi-statistical approaches; thematic coding analysis; and grounded theory analysis.
Discusses computer software for analyzing qualitative data.
Discusses advantages/disadvantages of using software for analyzing data.
Explores how to resist introducing personal biases into qualitative data analyses.
Module 14
How to write up the results of an empirical study (14 min)

Discusses five goals of writing up the methods, procedures, and results sections.
Explores different approaches to organizing the results section.
Looks at how specific one should get when describing these sections.
Addresses how to describe the materials and the procedures in the study.
Explores how to integrate graphs and tables into the narrative of the study.
Addresses how to write-up the discussion, implications, and applications sections.
Module 15
What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB) (25 min)
Looks at the function of the IRB.
Addresses the Office of the Protection of Human Subjects (OHRP) and the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 46.
Defines how the government defines “research.”
Illustrates what the typical IRB application form requires.
Discusses different types of reviews performed by the IRB.

Module 16
How to write an informed consent document (22 min)

Discusses the role of the informed consent document and why it is needed.
Explains all the different areas needed to be addressed in an informed consent.
Explains the purpose of an “Assent to participate” document and and when it should be used.
Includes an example “template” of an informed consent document.
Module 17
Wrap-up and how to contact the instructor (5 min)

Explains how a student can get additional support.
Provides my contact information to address brief questions. If more substantive help is needed, I explain how I can be hired on an hourly basis ($65.00/hr.) as a consultant.
I mention areas that I commonly consult with students about, such as: Selecting the appropriate research strategy, questionnaire design, developing interview or focus group questions, data analysis, developing graphs or tables, and how to organize and write-up the results, etc.
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